Angel Jung

Author: Ann Arbour Consultants Inc. |

Great Experience! From the beginning to the very end.
Honestly, it is really difficult to trust again after being scammed by some too good to be true Immigration Consultant. But ANNARBOUR proved that they are genuine and that they are trustworthy. Fast at responding, clear communication and thorough. Very big thanks to Ms. Sharmila, Mr. Peter, Ms. Natalya, Ms. Amelia and Ms. Dilhani. They were very supportive and gave me guidance throughout the whole process. They really did a tremendous job. Everything went well even during pandemic. They've proved to be Top notch! And now I'm living my Canada Dream! Highly recommended!


  • Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess.

    Bijin Sivan

  • thank you very much Ann Arbour for your support and guidance for my PR appreciate thank you for everything

    Kasun Jayasooriya

  • Fantastic support given by Sharmila, Amilia, Natalya and team. Highly recommend Annarbour Consultants..

    Rajika Abeysekara