Dinesh Lasantha

Author: Ann Arbour Consultants Inc. |

I wish to place on note my sincere gratitude to Sharmila and the team for their efficient and effective service provided very honestly towards my Work permit.

Special thanks Nirmal, Amilia, Smriti, Udari, Ranjila, Natalya for the updates and taking me towards process until this moment.

My Hearties wishes to Sharmila and team in all their future endeavors.


  • Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess.

    Bijin Sivan

  • thank you very much Ann Arbour for your support and guidance for my PR appreciate thank you for everything

    Kasun Jayasooriya

  • Fantastic support given by Sharmila, Amilia, Natalya and team. Highly recommend Annarbour Consultants..

    Rajika Abeysekara