How To Immigrate To Canada By Setting Up Or Purchasing A Business
In an attempt to boost its economy and enhance its development, the Canadian government has several immigration programs that allow people with different skills, talents, backgrounds, and potential to reside in the country. Given that Canada has several facilities and resources to offer, these programs serve as an excellent opportunity for foreign nationals to improve their standard of living or take their abilities to the next level.
If you’re an entrepreneur or professional and exploring business opportunities in Canada, the immigration authorities will gladly accept your immigration request (provided you meet their criteria). In fact, there are two special immigration programs available just for foreign nationals looking to set up businesses in Canada. They are:
1. The owner or operator LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) program
2. The intra-company transfer program
These programs are specifically designed from the perspective of helping you launch your business in Canada. At the same time, they come with specific rules to ensure you are capable of contributing to the nation’s economy and staying afloat as a business here.
Both programs allow you to set up a business and immigrate to Canada in less than eight months and gain residency as well. The intra-company transfer program does not require any specific investment, and you can apply for permanent residency after only one year if you qualify. This is one of the easiest immigration programs introduced by the Canadian immigration authorities for business people.
On the other hand, for the owner or operator program, you are required to make an investment based on the type of business you want to do and the benefit it brings to Canada. You can apply for permanent residence and your work permit as soon as the LMIA is provided (i.e., if you qualify to do so).
As you can see, both these immigration programs have their own benefits and are simply wonderful programs to immigrate through, especially during this time when employment-based programs are hard to come by. Currently, employers in Canada are not looking to hire people from outside the country for non-essential service jobs. This reduces the scope for many immigrants. But, with your own business in Canada, you need not worry about employment.
Who should apply for these programs?
If you are interested in successfully immigrating to Canada and launching your own business here, both the owner or operator LMIA program and the intra-company transfer program will work fine for you. They are especially great for you if you have managerial and business experience or already have a successful business.
How does Ann Arbour Consultants Inc. help you with these immigration programs?
At Ann Arbour Consultants Inc., we not only educate you about business immigration programs but we also serve as your one-stop-shop for immigration needs as our team consists of immigration specialists, lawyers, business consultants, real estate agents, tax specialists, accountants, and business plan specialists. We will assist you to locate a suitable company for you to purchase, negotiate, lease, prepare all legal paperwork, and everything in between without a worry until you land in Canada. We serve as your partners in business as well as immigration as the two go hand in hand when immigrating under a business program. Most companies will provide one or the other but we provide a one-stop-shop.
For more details about business immigration programs, reach out to Ann Arbour Consultants Inc. by giving us a call at +1(647) 477-2197. You can even email us at with your phone number so we can get in touch with you and discuss your plans to immigrate to Canada. We serve individual clients in Canada and those located globally, specifically in Asia, South East Asia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and North/South America.
When you set up an appointment with us, you will converse with our immigration specialist Sharmila Perera. She will assess you not just for immigration but also for business suitability. Accordingly, she will advise you on the type of businesses available to you. Following this, we will set up a plan of action and help you get the ball rolling. Our immigration specialist Sharmila Perera has twenty years of experience in the field of immigration and business and is well equipped to help you set up your business in Canada.
After going through the features of the owner/operator LMIA program or the intra-company transfer program, if you feel that they are not suitable for your needs, you then have the option of applying for provincial business programs. However, we must inform you that these two programs that we’ve discussed are, by far, the best for business people or entrepreneurs looking to move to Canada.
For more information about immigrating to Canada, please contact us by clicking here. If you’d like to learn all about our expertise and services, please click here.